
If you want to attend the seminar or take part in it, you must make sure that you understand at least the main points of the report. If you don't understand something, don't worry, contact specialists with request write my nursing paper for me (or other questions).
Louise will continue reading, speaking and offering Undoing Silence workshops throughout the United States to encourage a genuine grassroots movement for change. A charismatic teacher, trainer, organizer, and speaker, her work helps citizen activists write as part of actions in the world.
Recent clients include tenant activists stopping foreclosures, the City of Cambridge, foundations in Boston and San Francisco, Oxfam Canada partners in the Horn of Africa, and a chapter of the Sierra Club. Workshops, tailored to the needs of each group, focus on greater comfort and confidence in the writing process, a more powerful “voice” in writing, and strategies for reaching out to specific audiences. They include formal and informal writing activities and the chance to give and receive nonjudgmental feedback. To arrange a workshop, contact
If you’re in the Boston area, you might consider joining the Social Justice Writers Group, a project of the National Writers Union that grew out of an Undoing the Silence presentation. This group meets monthly on Sunday afternoons for energizing and support. Contact .
In the Bay Area, a women’s writing group that meets monthly with Louise sometimes has room for new members. Contact
Click here to see an archive of previous events.
Oakland CA Feb 23, 10 am to 12:30 Undoing Our Silences: A Workshop on Writing for Social Change Oakland Public Library, Temescal Branch, Telegraph and 52nd Streets Part of an all day neighborhood festival with New Village Press. Bring notebook or laptop and your passion for a more wholesome world.
Boston area May 22 – June 26, Writing and Public Communication, 6-week course: UEP 0161 A, In Urban and Environmental Policy Department at Tufts University, Medford MA. Open to all, but costly
Event Archive:
Bay Area CA
Thursday September 27, 7:30 pm Modern Times Bookstore, PRE-PUBLICATION Reading and Workshop, 888 Valencia St., San Francisco (www.mtbs.com)
Milwaukee WI
October 18-20 Associated Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference
Boston MA
Friday November 2, 10 am – 4 pm, Writing workshop on “Women and Money”, WE LEARN, Simmons College
Los Angeles CA
Friday, November 16, 7:30 pm. Book talk at Los Angeles Eco-Village, 117 Bimini Place, @ three miles west of downtown LA near First and Vermont (www.laecovillage.org) or 213/738-1254
Saturday, November 17, 3-4 pm, Metropolis Books, 440 S. Main St (213) 612-0174 (www.metropolisbooksla.com)
Sunday, November 18, 10 am – 4 pm workshop, Writing for Social and Environmental Change, Eco-village Central LA (www.laecovillage.org)
Friday or Saturday Nov 23/4 Evening house party, Carlsbad CA. Details TBA
Napa CA
Friday, December 7, 4- 5:30 pm Copperfield’s Books, Booksigning, Bel Aire Plaza, Hwy 29 & Trancas St., (707) 252-8002 Marin County CA
Saturday, December 8, 10 am-4 pm Book Passage, Daylong workshop. 10 am – 4 pm: Undoing the Silence: Writing for Social Change, $95 (sliding scale*) limit 25. 51 Tamal Vista Blvd (415) 927-0960 (www.bookpassage.com)
Bay Area CA
Sunday, December 9, 2-6 pm New Village Press Event celebrating Undoing the Silence and Karl Linn’s book, Building Commons and Community, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hall, 1924 Cedar St (510) 841-4824 (www.bfuu.org)
Boston area MA
Tuesday December 11, 5-7 pm Book celebration sponsored by Labor Resource Center at the University of Massachusetts/Boston. Wheatley Student Lounge, 4th Floor. (www.cpcs.umb.edu/lrc/)
Saturday December 15, 10:30 – 4, “Lift Your Voice with Other Women,” writing feedback workshop for women at Haymarket Peoples Fund, 42 Seaverns Ave, Jamaica Plain, $20-50 sliding scale. Register with Stacy at (617) 522-7676 or email
Wednesday December 19, 7 – 8:30 pm Celebration and book signing house party, 59 Chestnut St, Cambridge
Boston area MA
Thursday January 10, 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm, United for a Fair Economy Brown Bag talk, 29 Winter Street, Boston. (www.faireconomy.org)
Thursday, Jan 10, 7:30 pm, Porter Square Books, Reading and book-signing, Porter Square Shopping Center, Cambridge (www.portersquarebooks.com)
Sunday, Jan. 13, 12 – 3 pm, Mel and Joyce King’s home, 4 Yarmouth St, Boston’s South End. Lifting EVERY Voice: A celebration, book-signing and potluck brunch. (617) 547-6881
SF Peninsula CA
Thursday, January 24, 12:30 – 1:30 pm, Undoing Silence Brown Bag at Women of Color Resource Center, 1611 Telegraph Ave., Suite 303 Oakland. Contact Anisha Desai at: 510/444-2700 ext. 301
Thursday January 24, 7:30-9 BooksInc, Reading, Book-signing & Mini-Workshop, Castro St, Mt. View
Friday/Saturday January 25/26 Workshop: Persuasive Writing for Environmental Action III, Sierra Club Loma Prieta Chapter
Monday, January 28, 12:30-1:20, De Anza College Reading/Writing Center, Book Talk 1:20-2:20 Writing Workshop
SF Bay area, CA
Tuesday, January 29, 7pm, Cody’s Bookstore, 1730 4th St, Berkeley (www.codysbooks.com)
Grass Valley/ Nevada City CA
Saturday February 2, 9:30 am – 1:30 pm, Environmental writing workshop with SYRCL (South Yuba River Citizens League), Nevada City (www.syrcl.org)
Sunday February 3, 1-3 pm, Book signing at The Bookseller 107 Mill Street, Grass Valley, for info: (530) 272-2131
Bay Area CA
Wednesday, Feb 6 Reception in Oakland
Thursday, Feb 7, San Bruno Mountain Watch, Talk and workshop
Saturday, Feb. 9, all day writing workshop at Unitarian Universalist Hall, Cedar & Bonita Sts, Berkeley CA (www.bfuu.org/). To register: www.brownpapertickets.com/event/25968
Washington DC
Monday February 18, 10 am – 4pm, Writing from the body/Responding from the heart, a writing workshop for women, DuPont Circle area, 2040 S Street NW, Washington, DC, Contact:
New York, NY
Monday February 25, 5:15 – 7 pm, Urban Mondays at Hunter College, 8th floor, Hunter West Building; 68th & Lexington
Cambridge, MA
Wednesday, February 27, 7 pm Lifting EVERY voice for peace. Reading, discussion, inspiration. Sponsored by the American Friends Service Committee/PeaceWork, Mass Peace Action, and the Cambridge Peace Commission. Cambridge Friends Meeting, 5 Longfellow Park. For information:
MARCH 2008
Boston area
March 28-30, Women and Media conference (www.centerfornewwords.org/wam/)
South Africa: Cape Town, Jo’burg, Durban
APRIL 2008
New Orleans
April 2-5 College Composition and Communication Conference
Boston Area
Wednesday, April 16, 12:45 – 2 pm, Reading and talk, Bentley College, Waltham For information:
Wednesday, April 16, 8 pm. Expressing Social Consciousness Through Writing: a panel sponsored by the National Writers Union, Boston Local and the Cambridge Adult Education Center, 56 Brattle St., Cambridge $6. www.ccae.org
MAY/ JUNE 2008
New England & Northeast
May 20 noon – 1:30 pm, 14 Beacon St, Boston. Brown-bag book talk at Community Change Inc. In keeping with CCI’s 40-year vision, focussed on how institutional racism affects silencing and how we can transform both.
May 31 10:30-4 pm, Undoing the Silence about Race and Racism: A Writing Workshop Especially for People of European Descent. $20-50 or what you can afford. Benefit for CCI. Registration required. Contact Janet at 617-523-0555.
May 22 – June 26, Writing and Public Communication, 6-week course: UEP 0161 A, Urban and Environmental Policy at Tufts University, Medford MA. Open to all, but costly.
June 8 4-6 pm, Organizational meeting for a Boston area Writing for Social Change Support group. Open to all. Contact National Writers Union member Miriam Stein at 781-648-0255 or .
JULY 2008
Winnipeg, Manitoba
July 17-20 Planners’ Network Conference (www.plannersnetwork.org)
Santa Barbara CA
July 20-23 Capacitar International Conference (www.capacitar.org)
Richmond VA
August 8-9 Journal of Planning Education & Research New Scholars Seminar
Cape Cod, MA
Sunday, Sept. 21, 3-6 pm, Cape Cod, Wellfleet Public Library. Sponsored by Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom. Donation. Contact 508/349-1922.
Belfast, ME
Saturday, Sept 27, 10 am to 4 pm, Toddy Pond School, Oak Hill Road, Swanville, Maine ($30-$75). For more info and to register, contact Barbara Egan (207) 342-2459. or [email protected]
Philadelphia, PA
Wednesday Oct. 1, 1:30-2:45 pm, Public talk at Villanova University. E-Media Room, Lower Level, Falvey Library. Contact
Davis, CA
Friday, October 24, evening public talk at Avid reader bookstore, contact Chris Benner
Saturday, October 25, Daylong workshop for grad students in Community Planning at UC Davis.
Brisbane, CA
Sunday, November 2, 1-5 PM Writing for Environmental Advocacy at San Bruno Mountain Watch, 44 Visitacion Ave. Contact: Ken McIntire (415) 467-6631
Portland, OR
November 7-9, Wordstock Bookfair
Oakland, CA
Nov 13-14, Facing Race Conference (proposed)
Tucson, AZ
Thursday, December 11, 10am-4pm &/or Saturday, Nov. 13, 9am-12pm, Host: Borderlinks. Contact for cost and registration: Fernanda Morillon (520) 628.8263
Albuquerque/Santa Fe
December 16 – 21
Friday, January 30, 7 pm: Free talk at Gulf of Maine Books 134 Maine St, Brunswick ME
Saturday, Sunday January 30-February 1, 10 am to 4 pm: Day-long workshop and Sunday brunch event, PeaceWorks of Brunswick ME and Adams-Melman House in Bath Sliding scale for workshop (no one turned away) Contact: Maureen Block, 207-319-7578, [email protected]
February 11, 12 noon: Brown bag discussion of professional writing with state government’s Amy Schectman. Tufts University, Dept of Urban & Environmental Policy & Planning, 97 Talbot Ave, Medford. 617-627-3394.
February 14-March 3: Writing workshop in Ethiopia with Oxfam Canada Friday March 6 Providence Rhode Island University of Rhode Island, Providence Campus 6th Annual WE LEARN Conference: Stronger Leadership & Literacy: Empowering Women to Action Women Expanding Literacy Education Action Resource Network http://www.litwomen.org/conference.html#registration
MARCH 2009
Saturday March 7: Rhode Island Writing Project spring conference Donovan Dining Center at Rhode Island College http://www.ric.edu/riwp/programs_conference.php
March 11-14: Conference on College Composition and Communication San Francisco, CA
Saturday March 28: Day-long writing workshop, sliding scale cost Spontaneous Celebrations 45 Danforth St, Jamaica Plain Contact: Ed Pasanese 617-534-2910
APRIL 2009
April 20: Champaign/Urbana IL: Planning Dept. workshops sponsored by Prof. Eliizabeth Sweet
April 22: Minneapolis MN: The Loft 6-7 Workshop 7-8 Reading Target Performance Hall, 2nd floor of the Open Book building, 1011 Washington Ave S, Mpls, MN 55415. No pre-registration required. Workshop & reading FREE and open to the public. 612-379-8999
April 23, 4-6 & April 24, 1-3 pm University of Minnesota, Hubert Humphrey Institute Workshops for grad students (full)
April 24, 1-3 pm: Public Reading: University of Minnesota, Hubert Humphrey Institute
April 25-28: American Planning Association Conference Minneapolis MN (At Island Press booth)
MAY 2009
May 1-3: Chicago IL: Yoga & a Sustainable Writing Practice Weekend workshop with Monika Andreas, 1555 N Dearborn Unit 10E, Chicago, IL Cost $140 for 4 sessions or $45 per session To register for full weekend or separate sessions: (312) 274-1030
May 4: 6 pm: Book talk at Alumni Association DePaul University School for Public Service, DePaul Center Barnes and Noble, Lower Level, Chicago.
May 20 – June 24: 6-week course on Writing and Public Communication, Urban & Environmental Policy and Planning, Tufts University, http://ase.tufts.edu/summer/courses/index.asp (course is UEP161A)
JULY 2009
Two-week visit to Israel/Palestine; workshops with AFSC’s Public Achievement Project
August 17-19: PhD workshop, Dept of City and Regional Planning, UC Berkeley
October 1-14 Tour of Southeastern US (in planning stage)
Training of trainers in South Africa sponsored by Action Aid International
APRIL 2010
Northern California
Boston area
May 26-June3, Writing and Public Communication, UEP 0161A, offered by the Department of Urban & Enviornmental Policy and Planning at Tufts University. Open to all. Click here for further information.
Portland, Oregon - October 22-23
"Let Writing Serve the City" Two days of workshops with faculty, students, staff and community partners at Portland State University Open to all (and free) but you MUST register by Oct 13 <>
Berkeley, California - Saturday November 6 and Sunday November 7
"Undoing the Silence: Writing in “The Great Turning” A two-day workshop: Sat. Nov. 6, 1 to 4:30 pm and Sun. Nov. 7, 1 to 4:30 pm Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists , Education Building, Fireside Room: 1606 Bonita Avenue, Berkeley CA 94709 The room is not Wheelchair Accessible. Open to the Public. Suggested fee for two days is a sliding scale of $35 - $70 per person. Registration encouraged: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/133090
San Bruno Mountain Watch in Brisbane (just south of San Francisco) - January 30
"Earth Needs Our Voices Now" 1-4:30 Cost: $20, registration required: http://www.mountainwatch.org/upcoming-events/2011/1/30/earth-needs-our-voices-now-130.html
February 3-10 Champaign/Urbana, IL Course for grad students in Urban Planning (UP 594-L)
Boston area
May 23 – June 27, Writing and Public Communication, 6-week course: UEP 0161 A, Urban and Environmental Policy at Tufts University, Medford MA. Open to all, but costly.
Louise Dunlap • February 27, 2013